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Bringing back a green Bangalore with sustainable houses by Assetz Marq

Last Modified: 31 Mar 2022

How often have you reminisced about the old Bangalore? One that was famous for its charm and held the title of the Garden City of India proudly?  

Cities often evolve, with each evolution trying to accommodate the needs and desires of its residents. 

We at Assetz recognised this desire to revive Bangalore’s former green city identity and have used it as inspiration, resulting in our latest township project that revolves around the concept of sustainable houses – Assetz Marq.

Assetz Marq is a set of luxury apartments in Whitefield Bangalore that was developed keeping in mind a commitment to sustainability with an aspiration to revive green spaces. 

Not only do you get a slice of heaven with a Marq home, but are also contributing to making Bangalore a sustainable city. These luxury homes in Bangalore offer a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with nature through sustainable houses. 

What are sustainable houses? 

A sustainable house is built with the primary goal of having the least detrimental influence on the environment possible. To achieve this goal, we as builders focus on maintaining energy efficiency, avoiding environmental contaminants, and striving for the ethical use of materials and resources. These activities are undertaken to have a beneficial physical and psychological impact on the people who live there.

It matters what we build, as much as how we build it. A modern home should be built with sustainability in mind.

Since there are several factors to consider, identifying exactly what defines a “sustainable house” is difficult. When people speak about “green” or “sustainable” construction, they usually mean things like:

  • Working with an existing structure: The orientation of a home affects its access to sunlight and ventilation, which in turn affects the lighting and cooling needs of its residents. If the orientation of a home is not in tandem with the elements, a few sustainable measures can be taken such as adding heat insulation material or incorporating high ceilings for easy ventilation. 
  • Additions to improve sustainability: Conservation efforts can be reinforced through infrastructural improvements that allow for activities such as rainwater harvesting (which ensures water conservation). 
  • Being conscious during the construction stage: Special efforts are taken to consider the energy and materials required to maintain or renovate the building over the course of its life. A conscious decision is made to include sustainable and local materials. 

Why do we need sustainable houses? 

Green living reduces stress and increases the quality of life in addition to reducing hazardous pollutants. Harmonious design improved health, and streamlined conservation processes that benefit the entire society are all factors that contribute to long-term enjoyment. Going forward, sustainable homes in India are bound to become more commonplace. 

Read below to find the various green features incorporated within the infrastructure of our luxury apartments in Whitefield, Bangalore aiding in reviving this city to its former glory. 

1. Water conservation: 

In a study conducted by the country’s think tank, Niti Aayog predicted that 21 Indian cities, including Bangalore, could run out of groundwater within a few years and advocated for better management of water resources.

Every day up to 1,400 million litres of water is pumped into the city to fulfil its freshwater needs. 

Most residents of the city have taken it upon themselves to either rely on groundwater (which is rapidly depleting) or buy tankers of water.

Recognising the value of this resource, we at Assetz have taken special consideration to inculcate infrastructure that conserves water. Our goal is to help recharge groundwater while reducing any excess consumption.

To achieve this goal, we’ve included dual piping and dual flush mechanisms for sanitary facilities and water-efficient fixtures in all the plumbing systems. This helps us keep the usage in check and mitigates any potential wastage. 

To reinforce our conservation efforts, we’ve also introduced rainwater harvesting facilities and groundwater recharging solutions in order to ensure that we replenish the city’s water sources to the best of our ability. Our luxury homes in Bangalore have committed to being water conscious and have ensured that our facilities match our resolution. 

2. Energy conservation: 

Energy conservation is considered one of the pillars of environmental protection. It not only reduces our dependency on non-renewable energy supplies (such as fossil fuels) but also helps you save money on energy costs, such as utility bills and upkeep of energy infrastructure.

With energy conservation efforts, we directly reduce the extent of greenhouse gas emissions entering the Earth’s atmosphere. We at Assetz consider minimising carbon footprint one of our primary goals and believe energy conservation efforts are a vital step in the same direction. Our sustainable houses are designed and built to ensure efficiency in consumption.

Keeping these factors in mind, we have introduced solar water heaters and energy-efficient lights in common areas. This will not only lower your energy costs but is also an excellent feature for energy-efficient housing designs.

We’ve also included timer-adjusted streetlights and ensured our basements are naturally ventilated through podium skylights. The latter reduces our dependency on artificial lighting, which in turn decreases overall energy consumption. 

These vital architectural elements in our luxury apartments in Whitefield, Bangalore allow us to actively conserve energy without compromising on quality or aesthetics!

3. Solid waste management: 

The modern economy’s rising quantity and complexity of garbage pose a severe threat to ecosystems and public health. Annually, an estimated 11.2 billion tonnes of solid garbage are collected worldwide, with organic waste decomposition accounting for around 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Recognising this problem, we at Assetz realised that organic waste can be dealt with at the source. Not only does this reduce the amount of garbage reaching landfills, but it also aids in the reduction of carbon footprint (as we are reducing dependency on transport) and allows us to undertake recycling initiatives. 

In order to reduce the impact of improper waste management, we have undertaken the task of segregating waste in our luxury homes in Bangalore. We have implemented a well-designed segregation method as well as used an organic waste convertor to deal with biodegradable waste on-site. 

This also helps reduce disease and infection transmission! 

Most architects of sustainable homes in India consider waste management a key feature in ensuring going green, we too have made a commitment to do the same. 

Helping make Bangalore green again is a civic responsibility, that we chose to undertake with the utmost responsibility. Our carbon healing homes and sustainable houses are aimed at creating a robust architecture for Bangalore to continue thriving. The features we have chosen to integrate within our infrastructure bring us one step closer to securing the environment for future generations. Live in bliss knowing you are contributing to a more sustainable future at Assetz Marq. 

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